Giant ground sloth hand is full of WTF. Metriorhynchus sea-crocodile from the Cretaceous: hind end. Odobenocetops one-tusked whale that I still cannot get my head around, how it converged so closely on the morphology of a walrus. Thalassocnus, the large marine sloth… few fossils are ...
I love homemade weekend morning waffles. So I did the less rational but very me thing and got very obsessed with cracking the code of homemade freezer waffles. I learned a few things along the way: The goal:Forgive me if you’re an absolute Eggo die-hard, but after trying my share, ...
(transfat), refined sugar and other ingredients I like to avoid. My hiatus from fudge ended last week when I made these melt in your mouth beauties inspired from a recipe I saw on Detoxinista. The best thing about this fudge (other than the fact that it tastes just heavenly!), is the...
unit out, take great care with both the cable which will still be plugged into the wall at the back and also the sharp metal/pipes at the back near the vents/compressor – these can hurt and also can be easily damaged – a second pair of hands is highly recommended in removing the ...
Now that we have a home that we plan to stay in for a while, we are considering buying a chest freezer to place in the garage. Growing up, a lot of my friends with larger families had either a chest freezer or a second refrigerator in the house, and I’d rather not have another ...
A Sarajevo paper celebrates the infamous Handzar Waffen SS division, comprised of fanatical Bosnian Muslims and organized by the Mufti of Jerusalem and Heinrich Himmler. * "Meet The Nazis The CIA Married: The Croatian Ustashi," by Petar Makara and Jared Israel
to upper management that created a near-perfect environment for me. I always was told to just do good work, in whatever form. They set me free to decide what was best and to just do it, and they gave me (and the rest of us in the SMLab) tremendous, world-class resources (space,...