Freezing Cooked Butternut Squash: Preheat Oven: Preheat oven to (400 degrees) Fahrenheit. Select a baking sheet that would be at least several times as broad as the squash and has deep sides. Cut the Butter Squash: Squash should be halved lengthwise. Slice the butternut squash in halves fro...
Note: another option for roasting is to keep the skin on the butternut squash, cut it in half and scoop out seeds, poke some holes through the skin, roast the entire thing face-down, and finally scoop out the cooked squash. That’s a fine method, too, but I prefer my method as tak...
Back in 2002, I decided to freeze my first pile of zucchini and yellow straight neck squash, figuring the frozen slices would turn to mush but that I could blend them up into warm winter soups. To my pleasant surprise they emerged from the freezer in perfect shape,* so I ended up turni...
Take a cue from the grocery store and keep your fresh fish on ice at home: once unpacked, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines only have a couple days before they need to be cooked. Leaner fish like cod, tilapia and halibut may last a day longer. To store: remove the paper...
Cooked spaghetti squash will keep for three to five days in the fridge or 10 to 12 months in the freezer before spoiling. Be aware that it will lose its stringy, spaghetti shape after being frozen and defrosted. Make sure you put it in the fridge or freezer within two hours of cooking...