There is a posting by an AMD employee on reddit which says that you dont should cap FPS with freesync and just use vsync. But thats an very old statement and everything else is working good too. So... Its ridiculous how many people say something different and nobody knows exactly how ...
The default frame-pacing is terrible, which seems to be a common issue with games running on Unreal Engine 3(...)') - Anthem maybe - - Amnesia 1, Crysis 1 -
Because forcing vsync through the amd driver is not working (this is an old issue that AMD never addressed) Also , i think you would like to read this topic on reddit that explains how AMD screwed up Freesync with their drivers :
经过进一步的研究和从我们的G-Sync显示器中收集更多高速摄像机镜头后,我相信我们在FreeSync显示屏上与GeForces结合使用的无泪游戏这是Windows 10的桌面窗口管理器在游戏处于无边界窗口模式时向程序添加某种形式的Vsync的结果,而不是任何形式的VESA Adapative-Sync与我们的GeForce卡啮合。在Nvidia对我们正在经历的事情...
Lmao, I'm dead serious. This is the exact opposite of what I read should happen. Any ideas on that? Could that be related to the monitor/Free sync/GPU Issue No ideas off-the-top-of-my-head going solely by your description. Not enough to determine anything, especially since a lot of...
AMD is also trying to win points with the competitive video gaming market by allowing users to chose whether or not Vsync is enabled when using FreeSync. This comes in contrast to G-Sync which forces the use of Vsync. The singular advantage of turning Vsync off is that it reduces input...
freesync on v sync off = tears still occurs even capping frame rate or not! freesync on v sync on = input lag and still little tearing anti-lag option is tottally crap and getting micro stutters. if you want see dat , I can make a video and proof it. tried driver...
-Turn Freesync ON in your monitor's menu & in Radeon Settings -Use Exclusive Fullscreen + Vsync ON -Cap your framerate 2 or 3 frames below your monitor's refresh rate via in-game fps limiter (if the game doesn't have an fps limiter use RivaTuner Statistics ; but be aware that this...
I have system what I need to diagnose the system Radeon Gigabyte RX 6600 Ryzen 5 3600 - boost off B450 ASrock gaming K4 - latest bios DDR4 2666 8x2 Prefetcher
There is a posting by an AMD employee on reddit which says that you dont should cap FPS with freesync and just use vsync. But thats an very old statement and everything else is working good too. So... Its ridiculous how many people say something different and nobody knows exactly how ...