Update 01/15/2019: We have tested the 27UD58 with NVIDIA's new FreeSync drivers. The 'Extended' mode does not work properly, and caused worse tearing. The 'Basic' FreeSync mode on the monitor works without any serious issues, across the 48-60 Hz range. 似乎也不是很完美。。 另外Reddit...
👉Nvidia显卡开启Free Sync™的原理 Free Sync又名AMD显示变频率技术,Nvidia对应的技术是G-Sync。通常情况下,同素质的G-Sync显示器要贵过Free Sync显示器,同时G-Sync只能用Nvidia显卡,Free Sync也只能用AMD显卡。 开启FreeSync的条件与步骤 当然,也不是所有显卡都能支持对应的显示器同步技术,以Free Sync来例,目...
tear-free gaming experience. Freesync, an adaptive sync technology by AMD, does indeed work with Nvidia GPUs. By understanding the steps required to enable Freesync on Nvidia graphics cards, compatibility issues, and how it works over HDMI, players can maximize their gaming...
【搬运】Huion Kamvas 13(第3代)笔显示器 评测:这款产品很不错【Teoh on Tech】 26:30 【中配】Huion Kamvas 13(第3代)笔显示器 评测:这款产品很不错【Teoh on Tech】 15:21 【搬运】《黑神话》悟空在ROG ALLY X上表现太棒了!最佳设置【ETA PRIME】 06:29 【中配】《黑神话》悟空在ROG ALLY X上...
Found this website that confirms what he mentioned: Nvidia brings G-Sync support to FreeSync monitors | PC Gamer . Which is great for me since I needed to purchase a new monitor which also happens to have Freesync on it and I own a Nvidia GPU card at the moment. A driver update ...
本文中的Freesync可以近似等同于G-sync,Enhanced Sync(增强同步)可以近似等同于NVIDIA fast sync(快速同步)。所以本文适用于A卡,也适用于N卡。 现在,有一个游戏,你的配置足够高,可以通过调整画质选项,让它的帧率非常高,也可以非常低。那么一般来说,有2种同步方案可以选择。分别是,Enhanced Sync+Freesync+锁帧二倍刷...
the VESA Adaptive Sync open technology. VESA Adaptive Sync enables Variable Refresh Rate, which allows the monitor to adjust its refresh rate to the GPU’s output signal. Both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync technologies are built on this, which is why you can use FreeSync with Nvidia ...
今天贪便宜入了一款创维的2k显示屏,开始用N卡+DP线驱动得挺稳定,然后手闲开了freesync,结果就各种闪烁、条纹。最无奈的是显示器菜单里freesycn选项竟然灰了,关不上了,呜呼! 在打算退货前,胡乱操作了一通,例如,菜单里恢复出厂设置,无果。用HDMI线降分辨率、降刷新率,无果。进入工程界面(按住M在POWERON),没敢乱...
TechSpot: nVidia's Freesync works as well as AMD on "non-certified" monitors, also includes LFC ability. AMD does still hold the advantage due to Freesync over HDMI not being supported on nVidia cards, but it looks like nVidia's talking up "non-certified"...