<action application="hash" data="insert/${domain_name}-last_dial_ext/${callee_party_callgroup}/${uuid}"/> <action application="hash" data="insert/${domain_name}-last_dial_ext/global/${uuid}"/> <action application="export" data="nolocal:rtp_secure_media=${user_data(${dialed_extensio...
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_event_fire_detailed(const char *file, const char *func, int line, switch_event_t **event, void *user_data); #define switch_event_fire(event) switch_event_fire_detailed(__FILE__, (const char * )__SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__, event, NULL) 函数...
函数原型 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_event_fire_detailed(const char *file, const char *func, int line, switch_event_t **event, void *user_data); #define switch_event_fire(event) switch_event_fire_detailed(__FILE__, (const char * )__SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__, event, NUL...
Usage: user_data @ [attr|var|param] Where user is the user's id, domain is the user's domain, var|param specifies whether the info we're requesting is a variable/parameter, and the name is the name (key) of the variable.
user_data Retrieves user information (parameters or variables) as defined in the directory. Usage: user_data @ [attr|var|param] Where user is the user's id, domain is the user's domain, var|param specifies whether the info we're requesting is a variable/parameter, and the name is the...
/*! private data */ void *user_data; struct switch_event_node *next; }; struct switch_event_subclass { /*! the owner of the subclass */ char *owner; /*! the subclass name */ char *name; /*! the subclass was reserved by a listener so it's ok for a module to reserve it sti...
<!--<action application="export" data="nolocal:sip_secure_media=${user_data(${dialed_extension}@${domain_name} var sip_secure_media)}"/>--> 这一行默认是注释掉的,因此不起作用。 nolocal 的作用我们已前也讲到过,它告诉 export 只将该变量设置到 b-leg 上,而不要设置到 a-leg 上。
static switch_bool_t mediabugudp_callback(switch_media_bug_t *bug, void *user_data, switch_abc_type_t type); //websocket的3个函数 static int socket_init(udp_info_t *udp_info); static void socket_send_framedata(udp_info_t *udp_info,switch_frame_t *frame); ...
_In_opt_ void *user_data, _In_ time_t stop_time, _In_ switch_media_bug_flag_t flags, _Out_ switch_media_bug_t **new_bug); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 函数说明: 2.2 media bug回调函数 static switch_bool_t mymediabug_callback(switch_media_bug_t *bug, void *user_data, switc...
鉴权通过,FS 通过 user_context 配置项找到应该进入哪个路由。如 1000.xml 中配的 user_context 为 default,则进入conf/dialplan/default.xml。(已经进入路由阶段) Dialplan 会查到 1001 用户,找到匹配的 Extension 执行里面的 action,action 有 bridge 命令及 data,所以执行bridge <data>,此时会再次查 Directory(...