Ihr Musikstil ist in den Bereichen Pop, R&B, Gospel und vor allem dem Latin Freestyle angesiedelt. de.wikipedia.org Zeitgleich übernahm BC teilweise die Leitung des Rap & Freestyle Cafes Royal Bunker. de.wikipedia.org Mit einiger Unterbrechung wird in Innsbruck seit 1994 jährlich mit ...
“ I just can’t freestyle rap” “I mess up my words all the time” “I am afraid I will just make a fool of myself” I can’t freestyle rap because I don’t think I’m good enough to join rap battles” This negativity is never going to get you anywhere and it’s somet...
Rap battles are a growing phenomenon in China, but few studies have examined their interactional structure, especially from a multimodal perspective. In this paper, I conducted a microethnographic analysis of the sequential and simultaneous co-operation in Chinese rap battles from t...
Freestyle god Harry Mack visits WIRED to answer his most searched questions in a way only he could. Does Harry ever battle rap? Does he have an album? Does Eminem know about him? What's Harry Mack's most viewed video? Harry, remarkably, freestyles answer
油管上有个Epic Rap Battles of History专注恶搞各种历史名人卡通英雄的对决,已经出到的第四季。这个系列曾经出过乔布斯battle比尔盖茨,爱因斯坦battle霍金,甚至开膛手Jack对决汉尼拔。歌词有趣恶毒,最重要是,信息量巨大。 物理学家撕逼 点击阅读原文,找外教学最时髦的...
Rap battles can be a great opportunity for a rapper to showcase their talents. In a rap battle, the rapper with the best delivery, lyrics, and crowd response usually wins. By writing your own rap songs, freestyling as often as possible, staying relaxed, and feeling the energy of your cr...
View further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1016-2647Mian JiaView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1669-951Xshutingyao@utexas.eduShuting Yao