xTaskCreate( vTask2, "Task 2", 1000, NULL, 1, NULL ); // 启动任务调动 vTaskStartScheduler(); for( ;; ); return 0; } // 任务1 void vTask1( void *pvParameters ) { const char *pcTaskName = "Task 1 is running\r\n"; volatile uint32_t ul; for( ;; ) { // 打印 vPrintS...
* @param [IN]task handle. * @param [IN]task name string pointer. * @retval None */ void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t xTask, signed char *pcTaskName ) { while(1) { printf("task %s is stack overflow. \r\n", pcTaskName); vTaskDelay(500); } } 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
"TaskOne", /* String with name of task. */ 10000, /* Stack size in bytes. */ NULL, /* Parameter passed as input of the task */ 1, /* Priority of the task. */ NULL); /* Task handle. */ xTaskCreate( taskTwo, /* Task function. */ "TaskTwo", /* String with name of ta...
一、通过队列完成转发,下面prvStdioGatekeeperTask接收xPrintQueue队列内容,然后统一调用printf函数。 static const char *pcStringsToPrint[] = { "Task 1 ***\r\n", "Task 2 ---\r\n", "Message printed from the tick hook interrupt ###\r\n" }; int main( void ) { xPrintQueue = xQueueCreat...
voidvTaskFunction(void*pvParameters ){char*pcTaskName;volatileuint32_tul;/* volatile to ensure ul is not optimized away. *//* The string to print out is passed in via the parameter. Cast this to a character pointer. */pcTaskName = (char* ) pvParameters; ...
"genericTask", /* String with name of task. */ 10000, /* Stack size in words. */ NULL, /* Parameter passed as input of the task */ 12, /* Priority of the task. */ &myTask); /* Task handle. */ Serial.print("Setup: created Task priority = "); ...
2。freeRTOS 可以用协程(Co-routine),减少RAM消耗(共用STACK)。uCOS只能用任务(TASK,每个任务有一...
*/}}}程序清单4例1中的第一个任务实现代码voidvTask2(void*pvParameters){constchar*pcTaskName="Task 2 is running\r\n";volatileunsignedlongul;/* 和大多数任务一样,该任务处于一个死循环中。 */for(;;){/* Print out the name of this task. */vPrintString(pcTaskName);/* 延迟,以产生一个周...
//打印任务函数voidprint_task(void*pvParameters){int count=0;BaseType_t err=pdFALSE;int size=50;uint8_t buf[64];//最多只取前64个数据//清空本地接收数组memset(buf,0,size);while(1){err=xSemaphoreTake(uartSemaphore,10);//获取信号量if(err==pdTRUE)//获取信号量成功{//printf("%s",Data)...
http://www.FreeRTOS.org void vTask1( void *pvParameters ) { const char *pcTaskName = Task 1 is running\r\n; volatile unsigned long ul; /* 和大多数任务一样,该任务处于一个死循环中。 */ for( ;; ) { /* Print out the name of this task. */ vPrintString( pcTaskName ); /* ...