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power to investors create free account search for symbols, analysts, keywords log in home basic materials freeport-mcmoran: reversing higher oct. 18, 2017 11:58 am et freeport-mcmoran inc. (fcx) stock 27 comments josh rudnik 3.18k follower s follow summary fcx's share price is reversing high...
i buy pullbacks in an uptrend when sentiment is driving price down and fundamentals are still strong or temporarily impaired. at this week's low, freeport-mcmoran (
freeport-mcmoran faces more pressure from weaker copper prices. the restructuring in the o&g division makes the group more self-sustaining. the long-term fundamentals on copper make the stock worth owning on further weakness. with the easy money over, freeport-mcmoran (...
Gold prices have increased 10% in 2016 due to increased volatility in the global equity markets and concerns regarding economic growth, leading to an...
i won't be surprised if this rally in copper prices comes to an end and brings down freeport-mcmoran shares as well. moreover, a part of this rise has been driven by freeport's decision of selling a 13% stake in the morenci mine for $1 billion, which it will use to reduce the ...
benefit from a chinese recovery and higher copper demand from emerging markets. i like the current stock price correction to start a position that i will increase in case the bull case goes into the right direction. i was very excited to write this article, not only because freeport-mcmoran ...
Three days after Christmas last year a chief of the Amungme people offered his knife to a...By PressEyal
freeport-mcmoran website cash flow machine the biggest fear back in march was an economic shutdown in china. the largest copper user in the world has already snapped back into growth mode leading to the substantial rally in copper prices. the stock fell to a low of $5 back in march when...
jan. 12, 2016 4:54 pm et freeport-mcmoran inc. (fcx) stock 186 comments stone fox capital investing group leader follow summary freeport-mcmoran continues to trade based on the weakness in the oil markets. the company has a plan that will provide positive cash flows at the current weak ...