Posted in:Bible,Elites,Freemasons,Genetic engineering,History,Illuminati,London,Lucifer,Nephilim,New World Order,Occult,Parasites,Religion,Royal parasites,Satanism,Secret societies.Leave a comment “You should know that the foremost Biblical scholars in the world are the Luciferian Freemasons.” Source hen...
With a short history of the Austrian Freemasonry at his times. by W.Bro. Martin I.McGregor Master of the Research Lodge of Southland No.415 (2007-08). PM and Secretary The Southern Cross Lodge No.9. PM Lodge Te Puke No.261. Companion St.Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter No.90.Member ...
Filled with a series of questionswhich only those who know the truth of history might answer, your humble narrator journeyed to Manhattan and joined one of the free tours regularly offered by the group. The tour follows a twisting path, entering rooms with a right turn and exiting with a le...
Here’s the thing, anyone researching Freemason history will find a time before the Second World War (1939-1945) when Freemasons and masonic lodges were overtly in the public space. They participated in parades and fetes wearing all their regalia, took part in community events, photographs of a...
"I think it's a combination of history [and] tradition," said one. Another said it was the allure of ritual: "I mean, that's the reason people join Freemasonry and not the Rotarians." So what about those secrets? "What would happen if I found out the secret handshake and I weren'...
So now that I've laid down a little bit of past history, I suppose I should get to the purpose of this explanation. about Freemasons and their secrets. I am going to use the Oregon Ritual work and the lectures of the degrees in Oregon to explain myself. I'm sure that your ritual ...
Before we meet these distant Masonic relatives, we need to remind ourselves that it was not their gentle association with the fraternity that predicated their particular place in history. No, rather that is the product of their serendipity, morals and ethics, their natural skills and talent, thei...
In history, antipopes have arisen and ruled the Church de facto for a time, this does not mean that our Lord's promise has been invalidated. The Arian Crisis lasted for 400 years. During that time, the Christian East was virtually Arian and the Church worshipped outside the jurisdiction ...
and wink at abortion. They may even make some damning confessions as to the history of the Roman Church and some of the superstition. On the other hand, to water down the sucker Protestants who come to Mother, these scum will demand veneration of Mary and tolerance of the Mass, for in ...
This put him on the fast-track to becoming Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police at an important moment in history. Anderson was the Freemason placed in charge of “Criminal Investigation” at “Scotland Yard” to help cover-up the brutal murders of prostitutes from 1888 to 1891. ...