A comparison between the account of the building of King Solomon's Temple in Masonic Ritual and the accounts given in the Old Testament of the Bible. It concludes that while many similarities between the Biblical and Masonic account of this event exist, there are also some discrepancies. A LEN...
Much of the archaic (old) language within the rituals is not commonly used in the English language, today. Many of Freemasonry's symbols, too, which are used within the rituals, are more than 200 years old. With a better understanding ofMasonic words, the meanings of the rituals become ea...
The Generaldied badly, but everybody does that, and one such as myself doesn’t shed tears for a dead slave master even if they did accomplish a lot at their day jobs. Unfortunately, for a fellow so immersed in the “Enlightenment” and who was very much a rationalist and a logician ...
In the current Presidential race, all thecandidatesare Masons, just like Obama. The media helps them create theillusion of genuine freedom and choice. You notice they all agree on the important things, like support for Israel and the official 911 narrative. by Henry Makow Ph.D. ( Updated f...
In his book 'Morals and Dogma'(accepted universally as 'the bible' of Freemasonry)Pike admits: "Masonry like all religions,conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and usesfalse explanations and misinterpretationsof its symbols to mislead; to conceal the Truth wh...
the rites of Freemasonry extend beyond the Bible and fashion a parallel myth, portraying Hiram as a primary figure in the creation of the temple. According to Masonic tradition, the ancient builders of Solomon's Temple created the rites still practiced in modern lodges, with the various degrees...
Bible/Tanakh Commonalities:The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible (or Hebrew Holy Scriptures). It consists of 3 divisions: The Torah, The Nevi'im, and the Kethuvim. 1. The Torah:The Old Testament in the Christian Bible is comprised of the first 5 books of Moses: ...
In the eighth grade, I befriended a lad I'll call Bob G. His father was the caretaker of a very large estate and after school, I'd spend the afternoons helping Bob with his chores. For some reason I always had the feeling that something was out of balance with Bob's dad. Although...
Gina Haspel a long time C.I.A. insider who happens to be a Jewish Dominatrix with a torture fetish has been selected to be the new Director of the C.I.A. She is best known for running the concentration camp in Thailand named Cats Eye. She destroyed all records of torture at this an...
Basically they are boundary lines or marks between what is inside the boundaries of Freemasonry and what is outside of them. It should be stressed that boundary lines, or border marks, have in all ages been regarded by men as most important and zealously kept. In the Bible they are regarde...