The Grand Lodge of Ohio Ohio Freemasonry is a thriving Brotherhood of more than 60,000 men in over 400 lodges throughout the state. Men from virtually every city and village are quietly improving their own lives and making a difference in the lives of others — like minded men of integrity...
Grand Lodge of California Charities Operation Greatest Gift Salvation Army San Diego Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center The only free-standing center in San Diego County to provide speech and language therapy services with no required fees. A nurturing, family-focused environment where children incr...
There are only three documents a Mason must abide by; the Ritual, the Constitution of the Grand Body in whose jurisdiction he lives and the by-laws of his Lodge, Chapter, etc. The Rituals embody the whole of Masonic instruction. The latter two contain the Laws, Rules and Regulations necess...
Lodges consist of a number of brethren duly assembled, with the Holy Bible, square, and compasses, and a charter or warrant empowering them to work. This is true, so far as it goes. But we all know there’s a whole lot more that goes into making a lodge than just these basic requir...
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Burbank, Luther American naturalist and horticulturist. Santa Rosa Lodge No. 57, California. Burke, Edmund Anglo-Irish statesman. Jerusalem Lodge No. 44. Burns, Robert Scottish poet. St. David’s Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton. Butlin William W. Bro. Sir “Billy”...
she reminded me that she could have killed me long ago. I never attempted to try to outsmart or discover too much out of her. I don’t remember how we met in the first instance, but I knew who and what she was by the content of hercovertreference-CIAVacavilleCalifornia Medical Facility...
“This California drought is getting worse and worse” The above seems like the person talking about something that is an act of God. But it’s overtly political in itself, leading to people thinking about the government response to the drought. Or the social, humanitarian or civil implications...
The fall of the Tsar was organized by “political masons” of the Grand Orient Lodge of the Peoples of Russia. 400 masons toppled a legitimate and long-standing government. This group of political masons counted many influential people among it’s members: members of the mil...
Most loss of life and property has been due to the collapse of antiquated and unsafe structures, mostly of brick and other masonry. ... There is progress of California toward building new construction according to earthquake-resistant design. We would have less reason to ask for earthquake predi...
Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island 1877–78, member of What Cheer lodge.掌柜罗德岛1877-78年的总会所,成员啦啦队会所。Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930–), American Astronaut.“嗡嗡”埃德温·奥尔德林(1930 - ),美国宇航员。Second human to set foot on Extra-Terrestrial soil.第二人踏上外星人...