Hundreds of thousands of Entered Apprentices over history have left their first degree thinking “I’ll never learn all of this” and gone on to do amazing things in Freemasonry. Thousands of new Worshipful Masters have sat down with a plan of what they’d like to get done, and believed t...
Freemason Connection (i998) Everything I Needed to know about Freemasonry (2004)Sauniere Society Syposium Lecture Notes (1999) Davis, Robert G. The Mason’s Words: The History and Evolution of the American Masonic Ritual (2013) Br. Arturo de Hoyos – Grand Archivist and Grand Historian of...
I SHALL omit the ceremonies incident to opening a Lodge of Fellow Craft, as they are very similar to those employed in opening the First Degree, and will be explained hereafter more clearly to the reader. Five are required by Masonic law to make a legal Lodge of Fellow Crafts, viz.: Wor...
Strength, and Beauty “because it is necessary that there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings”: he cannot but gather from the lectures and the work, particularly of the First Degree, that the Lodge is the symbol of the...
In the highest degree, the Reaux-Croix, the initiate was taught to use Theurgy to contact spiritual realms beyond the physical. De Pasqually put forth the philosophy underlying the work of the Elus-Cohens in his only book,Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings,which first uses the analogy...
LECTURE ON THE SIXTH, OR MOST EXCELLENT MASTER’S DEGREE. Question. Are you a Most Excellent Master? Answer. I am. Try me. Q. How will you be tried? A. By the cap stone. Q. Why by the cap stone? A. Because it completed King Solomon’s Temple, upon the ceremonies of the d...