freemarker 表达式为空报错 遍历list 判空 freemarker官方文档,在freemarker中,默认的如果表达式是空会报错。所以需要对表达式进行判空操作。 修复值为空报错 判断属性为空 ${myobj.myProp!}如果myProp为空,则不报错; 返回默认值 ${myobj.myProp!"默认值"}如果myProp为空,则不报错,同时返回“默认值”。这种只能...
根据教程学习Freemarker过程中发现一直报错,报错内容是<#list noteList as note>中无法获得${note.title}值严重: Error executing FreeMarker template FreeMarker template error: The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> note.title [in template "demo.ftl" at line 8, column 15] 发现debug信息以...
原因是:Freemarker会将通过key获取的value默认转为string,因此该value是List类型,所以会报错,需要转换处理,步骤比较繁琐,如下: "poiCodes": <#if inputData.poiCodes?? && (inputData.poiCodes?size > 0)> [ <#list inputData.poiCodes as poiCode> ${poiCode?c} <#if poiCode_has_next> , </#if> ...
* 測试freemarker中的list * @Title:testList * @Description: * @param: * @return: void * @throws */ @Test public void testList() { List<Student> students = Arrays.asList(new Student("张三丰","男",26,new Date(1988-12-12),"湖北省武汉市武昌洪山区",78451214), new Student("李雪","...
freemarker 直接使用List来遍历set集合,可能会报错! 错误如下 Java代码 privateSet<Article> articles =newHashSet<Article>(); Freemarker中遍历 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [#list category.articles?chunk(5) as article1] [#list article...
<!-- <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>-->--请选择——<#list teacherNames as tname>${tname}</#list> 后来通过查找找到了最终解决方法: 问题解决 在配置项(application.yml)中加入全局去空值的设置: spring.freemarker.settings.classic_compatible= true 注意true 前面...
Java:List判空的条件:List=null 和 List.size = 0 2019-12-04 16:15 −当需要对一个LIst进行判空操作时我们可使用如下两个语句: if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {} if (list != null && list.size() != 0) {} 可能会有人疑问如果满足 list =... ...
[in template "dynamic:shr.compensation.cmpCalDynamicList.ftl" at line 3, column 1] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "lib/core/biz.ftl" in macro "html" at line 7, column 17] ~ Reached through: @biz.html [in template "dynamic:shr.compensation.cmpCalDynamicList.ftl" at line 2... ...