The mod should be adapted to a server hosting a maximum of 20 players to minimize server stress. Key Modifications: - Implement the /givearmy command for faction leaders. This command should spawn an army of AI troops for the player when they decide to go to war. - Ensure the AI troops...
I'm in need of a talented designer who cancreatea classic and elegant logo for my brand.Objective: To design a classical and elegant logo for Adele's Studio that reflects its core services of beautician and hair health. The logo will establish a strong brand identity that resonates with th...
自由枪骑兵 探索模组(Discovery)是一个基于《自由枪骑兵》原版的故事线,进一步扩展丰富游戏内容的多人联机Mod。 由于该Mod丰富且质量很高的游戏内容,Discovery Mod成了被各个自由枪骑兵服务器使用得最多 +6 分享5赞 freelancer吧 thomas25692 看到网站上招数据录入的挺多的,这个雇主发了我资料,但是里面说要交保证金...
A small but focused Web StudioLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.Learn more Services Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut... Only dead fish swim with the stream.Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there. This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill, Fifteen percent concentrated power of will, Fi...
Community Crunch 212: Legacy Servers, Winter Wonderland 4, and Sponsored Mod Applications 主题回复 FreelancerKnux的StudioWildcard,在分类 Announcements I wish I could read this but seeing as I can't I'll just give you the default, legacy was always destined to close and if you played ther...
Using tools like InfoSphere Data Architect, Cognos Business Intelligence, IBM Cognos Report Studio, and IBM Cognos Framework Manager. With a special focus on the US Healthcare Industry, I do provide a wide range of services in the industry that can be summarized as follows: -- Revenue cycle ...
(Tiempo aproximado 1 hora, de la cual son 30 minutos de estudio de guía y 30 minutos para resolver dudas). 2. ETAPA 1: Presentarse en la empresa y sucursal asignada para recibir explicación personal del servicio y confirmación de cotización. (Tiempo aproximado 30 mi... ...
Minecraft Mod Development(Advanced) 6 days left Im looking for someone who can develop such minecraft mod. Mod name: Null Compatible version: 1.7.10, 1.12.2 Purpose of mod: Experiment about the possibility of gameplay with complete removal of entity within game. Overall...the mod folder, all...
knowledge of Json Functional Knowledge: - Good communication - Functional knowledge of Invoice, Bill, - Functional knowledge of Documents Header, Footer, Details Requirements Environment: -C#, WPF, Windows 10, Node JS, Visual Studio 2022 - Account with GitHub for sharing Important, I don’t ...