美[fri] 英[friː] v.释放;使摆脱 (from of) 清除 adj.自动的;任意的;不客气的;【化】单体的 adv.无阻碍地;免费地;一帆风顺地 网络正在释放;解脱;解除 比较级:freer最高级:freest过去式:freed现在分词:freeing第三人称单数:frees 搭配 反义词 ...
To make ( a title ) secure byfreeingfrom all questions or challenges. 确认通过消除所有疑问或挑战而确认 ( 一头衔 ) 互联网 There is something incrediblyfreeingabout letting go of decisions. 远离决定是那么让人解脱. 互联网 Freeingpeople from oppression and despair is eternally right. ...
It 's very freeing if you can achieve it . 如果你可以实现它,这将非常无拘无束。 Both it and spain need to speed up competitiveness-enhancing structural reforms , especially freeing up their labour markets . 它和西班牙都需要提高竞争力加强结构改革,特别是解除劳动力市场管制。 Other proposed remedie...
thorough and effective investigation of the facts,freeingofthe victim if he is still alive, handing over his remains if he is dead [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 决定第 10 段是完整补救方法模式的极好例子:要求采取非承袭的补救措 施,重建、满足并保障非重复(对事件进行深入调查、...
freed; freeing : to make or set free free 3 of 3 adverb 1 : in a free manner 2 : without charge Medical Definition free adjective ˈfrē freer; freest 1 a : relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome free from pain b : not...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook freeing Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia (frē) adj.fre·er,fre·est 1. a.Not imprisoned or confined:walked out of prison a free man; set the birds free. b.Not controlled by obligation or the will of another:felt free to go. ...
简单来说,freeing是free的现在分词,freed是free的过去分词。free作动词时,表示解除、拜托、释放等。举例说明:先说freeing。Mr. Engel suggested freeing the bird from the cage. 伊格先生建议把小鸟从笼子里放出来。free...from属于相对比较固定的搭配,表示把。。。从。。。释放出来。再说freed。
菲俪(Freeing)作为成都百威凯诚科技有限公司自主品牌,以“为每位居住者打造专属之家”为己任,用“专业传递爱,定义品质生活”的态度,发掘和塑造定制家居的空间美学,成为空间整体美学方案的设计者与执行者。 菲俪秉承“ 空间规划专家 ”理念,回归定制之本,探索空间人性。将世界的定制理念与中国的空间美学深度结合,让更多...
FREEing 是日本手办公司,成立于2006年8月,是一家经常出1/4的大比例手办的厂商。 查看全部 >> 《劇場版 咒術迴戰》五條悟 冰炎將軍弗雷查特 庸子 雅兒貝德 《鬼滅之刃》猗窩座 《鬼滅之刃》煉獄杏壽郎 渚薰 浴衣 《十三機兵防衛圈》南奈津乃 狐忠信 ...