针对你遇到的“freeglut (foo): failed to open display ''”错误,这通常意味着freeglut无法连接到X server以进行图形显示。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,按照你的提示进行组织: 确认freeglut和显示环境安装正确: 确保你已经正确安装了freeglut。在Linux系统上,你可以使用包管理器来安装,例如: bash sudo apt-get in...
So I did that export DISPLAY=:0 . Then when I try again the scaffolding , it goes wrong saying "freeglut (/usr/local/bin/instagraal): failed to open display ':0' " .As you say on the github , we have to ensure X on the server , when I type "top ", it shows Xvfb is runn...
Hi Sida, When I ran the code "# visualize a specific mesh python tools/render_mesh.py --exp_name female3c --dataset people_snapshot --mesh_ind 226 " The shell reported the info : freeglut(foo): failed to open display 'localhost: 11.0' I ...
Clock 时钟就是 SoC 中的脉搏,由它来控制各个部件按各自的节奏跳动。比如,CPU主频设置,串口的波特率...
回调函数:响应刷新消息、键盘消息、鼠标消息、定时器函数等,GlutDisplayFunc() glutPostRedisplay() glutReshapeFunc() glutTimerFunc() glutKeyboardFunc() glutMouseFunc() 创建复杂的三维物体:这些和aux库的函数功能相同。创建网状体和实心体。如glutSolidSphere()、glutWireSphere()等 ...
导致内存使用逐渐增大,直至耗尽,程序异常退出。 xxlloc函数指mal
freeglut (./OpenGL): failed to open display '' 我使用的库:GLUT(freeglut)、GLFW、GLM #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #include <GLUT/glut.h> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct cube_rotate { GLfloat angle, x, y, z; }; GLfloat angle, fAspect, cube_size; GLint rot_x, rot_...
OpenKinect / libfreenect Public Notifications Fork 1.2k Star 3.6k New issue Jump to bottom freeglut (glview): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0' #281 Closed xamox opened this issue Mar 27, 2012· 5 comments Closed freeglut (glview): OpenGL GLX extension not ...
vcpkg install freeglut:arm64-windows fails with BUILD_FAILED. CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:136 (message): Command failed: C:/Users/jon/Source/Repos/vcpkg/downloads/tools/cmake-3.17.2-windows/cmake-3.17.2...
Failed to load latest commit information. NodeGLUT - FreeGLUT bindings for Node.JS This project ports FreeGLUT C/C++ calls to Node.JS using N-API. All callable functions infreeglut.hare binded, including functions that depend on pointers or non-javascript sized variables such as float, short...