头脑风暴,支持打字和Apple pencil,还能插入各种文档、图片、视频还有网页链接,如果你插入pdf文档,还可以...
保姆级教程:如何在中国丝滑使用苹果AI-Apple intelligence?! 461 -- 28:45 App iPad Pro M4 vs Surface Pro 11 vs 三星 Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra - 全面比较 1344 -- 1:59 App 苹果ios17关闭验证,但ios18系统依然可以刷回ios17 3万 14 3:24 App Infuse 8正式版发布,主打一个“快” 3413 7 7:01...
windows是生产力工具,各种工业软件、生意软件、开发环境玩的飞起。 只有苹果天天搞点记事本当个宝。。。…阅读全文 赞同13645 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 苹果推出的无边记(Apple Freeform)软件上手体验怎么样? GoeCycle CFA ESG投资证书持证人 如果想要体验 Freeform App,记得把你的系统...
Freeform是一款数字画布应用,旨在让iPhone、iPad和Mac用户实时协作。 每个用户可以贡献图像、笔记、涂鸦、文档、Web链接、PDF等,添加的内容对每个人都可见。 苹果的Freeform应用是为在iPad上使用Apple Pencil而设计的,它可以与FaceTime一起使用,在Freeform参与者之间提供视觉反馈。
几个小时前,最新版本的 Apple 移动操作系统开始面向所有受支持的设备。当然,我们谈论的是 iOS 16.2 和 iPadOS 16.2。通过这些版本,Freeform 首次亮相。据 Apple 称,这是一款专为“创意头脑风暴和协作”而设计的新应用程序。它允许您在“灵活的画布”上组织和直观地布置内容,并内置共享和协作选项。无需离开...
The Freeform app doesn’t work in a browser and there is no Windows or Android version available. An Apple device is a strict requirement. To try the Freeform app on your Mac or MacBook, you needmacOS Ventura 13.1. The iPhone requires iOS 16.2, and the iPad needs iPadOS 16.2. These ...
However, you won’t be able to get the feature when the operating systems first rollout in September. Instead, you’ll have to wait for another OS update later this year, with Apple yet to confirm the date. For Android and Windows users, Freeform sounds very similar to Microsoft Whiteboard...
that only works with apple devices; there’s no cross-platform support. it’s free to use, and while its features aren’t revolutionary, it’s a potentially handy tool for anyone with an apple gadget. how does freeform work? photograph: apple to access freeform, you’ll need to make ...
Why did Apple release Freeform before it was ready? First, It only syncs from an iPhone to an iPad and not vice versa. So if you type Freeform document on your iPad (Pro), even Apple doesn’t know how to get them to appear on your iPhone (14 Pro Max). Second, even if you ...