patents to the competitors. 这种 互相竞争的公司,通过获得其竞争者所 拥有的专利的使用权,并供给竞争者使 用自己专利的权利,寻求对操作自由的 保证。 [...] minimize as far as possible any intervention in the property market to allow greater freedom for the market to operate....
Usethisanalysistodetermine whether your target JTAG emulation paths have sufficient timing margintooperateatthe desired JTAGTCK frequency. 通过分析来确定用户板 JTAG 仿真路径是否有足够的时间余量能让 JTAG 工作在期望的 TCK 频率下。
of curved parts 13 at least at the tip part thereof and is provided with a film-shaped static type actuator 14 to operate the curved parts 13. A drive voltage is applied to the static type actuator 14 and a moving element 16a and a stator 16b are driven by a static power to bent ...