Freedom Summer: Directed by Stanley Nelson. With Karin Kunstler Goldman, Julian Bond, Peggy Jean Connor, Dudley Connor. A look back at the summer of 1964, when more than 700 student activists took segregated Mississippi by storm, registering voters, crea
Mary Catherine Phee, was nominated in April and got a favorable vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this summer, but a confirmation vote by the full Senate is blocked along
World Press Freedom Day: History, Top Tweets, 2025 date, facts, quotes, and things to do. When is World Press Freedom Day shown on a calendar.
Compare this brief incident to the hundreds of thousands of Antifa and BLM thugs and criminals, who spent the entire summer of 2020 rioting, looting, cop-killing, creating “autonomous zones,” destroying black-owned businesses, and burning America’s cities to the ground. The Democrats, fake n...
The year-long challenge wasn’t as much of a success for BPL, but engagement with the winter (Jan-Feb) and summer (Jun-Aug) has been good. Bingo-style sheets include things other than “read a book” (e.g. learn something new about your neighborhood, listen to a new song, etc.)....
I mean, that’s what this summer holiday is about, right? funny fireworks meme Get ready for it. The July fourth social media posts that are required will soon be posted. It’s a July 4th requirement to post a video of a fireworks show. ...
Last of the Summer Wine (1973) George A. Cooper Arturo Bardi 1 Tom Jones (1963) Roger Delgado Virelli 1 Doctor Who (1963) Zena Walker Felicia 1 The Dresser (1983) Ronald Hines Paolo 1 The Deep Concern (1979) Peter Hammond Ambassador 1 Hereward the Wake (1965) Br...
Dominowas born as Antoine “Fats” Domino Jr. in New Orleans on February 26, 1928. He got his first break when bandleaderBilly Diamondheard Domino at a backyard barbecue in the summer of 1947. Diamond gave Domino his nickname “Fats” because the young man reminded him of famous pianists ...
Summer (group)06.13 - 08.01Almine Rech Gallery (64 Rue De Turenne Paris) (Paris, France) (1)(31) in the flesh veritable bodies (group)06.14 - 07.11Christian Berst Art Brut (Paris, France) (1)(7) Katharina Grosse - It Wasn’t Us (solo)06.14 - 01.10Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin, Germany...
This sweltering summer of the Negro' s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude ...