That was the only way to keep the scam going. Why do you censor comments? Yes, you know I´ve tried to comment a couple of times. But time is on your side. Soon the old readers will be fed up with this childish nonsense, and you´ll have new readers who aren´t aware and...
Pennsylvania is also a low tax state with low property taxes, but they charge a 1% transfer fee when refinance your mortgage or sell your home. That’s socialist BS, if you ask me! Okay, that may be an overstatement, but unlike income tax rates which drop off when you retire property-...
Also, the fund manager cannot transfer client’s name into their own bank account because they have no control over the asset. The fund manager can’t run a ponzi scam with custodian controlling the asset. One of the largest Ponzi Scam in New Zealand – Ross Asset Managment was running by...
Compared to a cryptocurrency token, DeFi has a broader impact since it attempts to recreate the entire financial system on the blockchain. If someone launches a scam token, only the people who bought the token will lose money. However, since DeFi involves borrowing money, staking, tradingassets...
Wait a minute - you can actually buy stuff there - surely it must be pure scam, nobody can believe that much bullshit and live. Log in to post comments By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 16 Jul 2012 #permalink Great essay today - I don't think I would have the patience to ...