Take advantage of Lilac’s speed with her Dragon Boost, reach new heights with Carol’s Jump Disc or motorcycle, or take a more measured approach with Milla’s shield. And all-new playable character Neera won’t be left out in the cold, as she can use her powerful Frost Arts to ...
Return to the vibrant world of Avalice to battle an ancient threat in the long-awaited sequel to the surprise indie action-platformer hit, Freedom Planet. In the years since the events of the original game, our three heroines have refined their signature abilities, making them more formidable ...
Explore Action game Freedom Planet 2 for PS5,PS4 console from the official PlayStation website.Check out Freedom Planet 2 features, news, videos, screen shots, and buy the game now from PlayStation Store.
Freedom Planet 2 Iniciar sesión para calificar Calificación global de los jugadores 4.91Calificación media de 4.91 estrellas de un total de cinco estrellas en 174 calificaciones 174 calificaciones 95 % 3 % 1 % 0 % 1 % Información legal y del juego Regresa al variopinto mundo de Av...
The fast paced platforming of Freedom Planet returns! Become a full-time cartoon heroine and use abilities and items suited to your play style to explore the world of Avalice and defend its animal citizens!
2014 年,开发商 GalaxyTrail 发布了 Freedom Planet,这是一款优秀的 2D 平台游戏,它强调快速的平台挑战,成功地唤起了类似的令人兴奋的感觉。在其续作《自由星球 2》中,该团队再次取得了成功,这次进行了额外的游戏调整。游戏以 Avalice 为背景,这是一片分裂为多个王国的大陆。
游戏介绍 自由星球2(Freedom Planet 2)是一款由GalaxyTrail开发的动作冒险游戏。游戏是自由星球系列的续作,继承了前作的精神,并增加了更多的内容和功能。 在自由星球2中,玩家将再次扮演Lilac、Carol和Milla这三个角色中的一个,他们是一群拥有特殊能力的动物战士。玩家
Freedom Planet 2 Freedom Planet 2 is an excellent platformer with only a few drawbacks. Pros Improved spread of game modes compared to its predecessor Gameplay is fast, snappy, and reminiscent of the best of the era its trying to emulate ...
之前给推特的Goshaag大佬制作的同人手办模型绘制的概念图,这里是手办官网:https://goshaag.com/, 视频播放量 784、弹幕量 4、点赞数 40、投硬币枚数 34、收藏人数 15、转发人数 1, 视频作者 疯猫596, 作者简介 接动画分镜 | 动画咸鱼,自由职业中,想成为独游制作人 | 原