Freedom Park, Phase 1 / GAPP + Mashabane Rose Architects + MMAGAPP Mashabane Rose Architects MMAPretoriaArchdaily
Freedom Park, Phase 2 / GAPP + Mashabane Rose Architects + MMAGAPP Mashabane Rose Architects MMAPretoriaArchdaily
Marcel BarnardOpenJournals PublishingVerbum et EcclesiaBarnard, M., 2014, `My father's tobacco-jar, Church Square Pretoria and Freedom Park: An autoethnographical exploration', Verbum et Ecclesia 35(2), Art. #882, 7 pages.
This article looks critically at the //hapo museum at Freedom Park, Pretoria. Freedom Park was constructed as the flagship heritage site for all South Africans, and the reason for its location on Salvokop and the elements that make up the heritage site are discussed. The //hapo museum ...