Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right, and has been labelled as such since the beginnings of the "human rights" era. However, there is an increasing belief that some speech, loosely known as "hate speech", is unworthy of protection. This article outlines the principles of free ...
在哲学文献中,「言论自由」(freedom of speech)、「自由言论」(free speech)、「表达自由」(freedom of expression)和 「交流自由」(freedom of communication)等术语大致上是相通的。本条目将遵循这一惯例,尽管这些表述所令人联想起的现象之间具有微妙的差异。例如人们普遍认为,虽然舞蹈和绘画等艺术表达形式似乎并不能...
Comprehensive and meticulously documented facts about freedom of speech. Learn why the founders of the U.S. included free speech in the Bill of Rights, how courts have ruled in such cases, and much more.
freedom of speech n. The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government, protected in the United States as a right under the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Also calledfree speech. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
评论莫扎特 网易云音乐人:天津莫扎特;微信公众号:不可名状的莫扎特 我反复提醒过他们,Freedom of speech in China only includes hate speech. 刘镇锐: 小红书笑话累计清单 | 不得不说,这个可真是回旋镖之年,现实中的对比确实会令人大跌眼镜……发布于 2025-01-19 10:39・IP 属地天津 赞同2 分享...
World War II era. Hate speech in Europe is generally not viewed as a critical freedom. Hate speech is often regulated in the interest of “harmony”. As terrorism becomes more common on the continent, more policies are being enacted throughout the Europe to limit freedom of speech and ...
The Framers of the Constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and expression to the citizens of the United States with the First Amendment, which reads, in part, "Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech." Almost since the adoption of theBill of Rights, however, the jud...
Freedom of Speech言论自由 首次发表于2002年11月29日星期五;实质性修订2017年5月1日星期一本条目探讨了自由言论的话题。它首先对与言论有关的自由进行了一般性讨论,然后继续研究基于伤害原则的自由言论的最早和…
据说在美国,关于freedom of expression限制问题上,采取根据不同场合实行不同基准的原则,即double standard理论。 把expression分为低价值expression(如,commercial speech、hate speech)场合和政治性的expression(即高价值expression)场合。实行不同的基准。 要对高价值的expression内容进行限制,必须同时符合判例法的"clear a...
There areall kinds of labels put on such speech—it’s been called politically incorrect speech, hate speech, offensive speech, and so on—but really, the message being conveyed is that you don’t have a right to express yourself if certain people or groups don’t like ...