restrictions, and a permit regime that obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian [...] 又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实行阻 碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义人员及 货物, 自由 流 动的 封闭 政策,...
Freedom of movement refers to the right of people to circulate without restrictions across the surface of the world. This may concern either internal or international mobility. In the first case, the issue is whether states allow their citizens to move freely throughout their territory. The ...
Restrictions on movement to prevent the spread of a pandemic have sparked a debate about the right to movement. The prevailing view appears to be that temporary measures taken in response to a crisis are not unconstitutional. However, if the current pandemic leads to the decline of public transp...
首先我们来看下liberty和freedom的大致意思:liberty:词性为名词,Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.freedom:词性为名词,Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or ...
restrict vt.限制;限定;束缚(教材 P28)restictthe sale of alcohol限制酒类销售restrict freedom of movement into and outof the country限制出入境自由限制;限restrict your sociallife妨碍你的社交生活定;束缚restrict yourself to sth约束自己不越出…的范围;将自己限制在……限度内restrictimport/export/currency ...
It is not always possible to set a rational target image in anticipation of the future. If so, it is unreasonable for such uncertain plans without rationality to limit the freedom of movement of individuals. Urban planning that realizes a better condition than the current one by regulations and...
consider the purposeofthecurrent regulatory restrictions to capitalmovementand,evenmoreimportantly, their effectiveness. 也许现在正是时候来考虑当前对 资金流动的一些规范限制的目的,以及更重要的是,这些规范限制的效果。 ...
freedom of movementdiscrimination against non-citizensimmigrationThis paper explores the compatibility of the principles of the universality and indivisibility of human rights with widely accepted and indeed almost axiomatic restrictions on international freedom of movement. Related to this question, but less...
of freedom of movement for communities (in Kosovo minorities are called communities, and communities throughout this document will be used interchangeably for minorities) depends on their integration in the Kosovo society and polity, and also impinges on the conditions for the return of the displaced...
5.The right to unrestricted use; full access:was given the freedom of their research facilities. 6.Ease or facility of movement:loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom. 7.ArchaicBoldness in behavior; lack of modesty or reserve. ...