要向公立大学和国家研究所索取信息很简单。如果你想读原文的话可以看这里:FOIA.gov - Freedom of Information Act: How to Make a FOIA Request 当然gov 网站写又长又臭,如果你要看简单版本的话,一封邮件即可(以 UIUC 为例):(来自FOIA Requests) Illinois Freedom of Information Request Austin Walters<...@i...
1. 查讯自由法(1976年7月29日通过,亦称为Sunshine Law) 例句 释义: 全部,信息自由法,信息自由法案,情报自由法 更多例句筛选 1. Many recent examples were influenced by the U. S. federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), so we will use that statute as an example. 其中许多近期立法借鉴了美国联...
The Freedom of Information Act was signed into law on July 4, 1966 — and expanded in 1974 after the Watergate scandal. 《信息自由法案》在1966年7月4日签署成为法律,并在水门事件之后扩大了影响力。 The Act allows any person the right to access information from a federal agency through a writt...
PublicLawNo.111-83,§564,123Stat.2142,2184 BelowisthefulltextoftheFreedomofInformationActinaformshowingall amendmentstothestatutemadebythe“OpennessPromotesEffectivenessinour NationalGovernmentActof2007”andthe“OPENFOIAActof2009.”Allnewly enactedprovisionsareinboldfacetype. §552.Publicinformation;agencyrules...
The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 As Amended By Public Law No. 110-175, 121 Stat. 2524 Below is the full text of the Freedom of Information Act in a form showing all amendments to the statute made by the “Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act ...
In reality, public servants are allowed to disclose information, but only under the Freedom of Information Act. 实际上,还是容许公务员透露资料,但只有在符合《新闻自由法》的情况下才可以透露。 UN-2 The Freedom of Information Act 2011 was passed and signed into law. 2011年《信息自由法》已获...
section 32 of the Freedom of Information Act provides that “any document created by a court or a member [...] legco.gov.hk 例如,英國的《資訊自由法令》第 32 條 規定,「法庭或法庭行政人員為某一訟案或事項的法律程序而製作的任 何文件」屬於豁免資訊,讓公共機構獲有效理由拒絕公...
FreedomofInformationAct 2000 CHAPTER36 ARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONS PartI Accesstoinformationheldbypublicauthorities Righttoinformation Section 1.Generalrightofaccesstoinformationheldbypublicauthorities. 2.EffectoftheexemptionsinPartII. 3.Publicauthorities.
to requests from persons in writing or other permanent form. A fee maybe charged. There is an obvious conflict withDATA PROTECTIONlaw, but in theUKsuch problems may be resolved by the fact that theINFORMATION COMMISSIONERhas been made responsible for both freedom of information and data ...
Platforms know their systems better than anyone but that doesn’t mean their moral and political choices should be outside the law August 30 2021 Chris Cook UK officials are going to great lengths to keep their secrets secret The Freedom of Information Act is being quietly gutted by civil serv...