Bringing Freedom in Christ to all people VISION From Neighborhoods to Nations Welcome to Freedom! We are so glad you are here. Our vision and heart is centered around that very thing - in Jesus there is Freedom. Our heart for people, our community and the nations is to experience the fre...
你需要放弃你生命中的什么事情,去操练基督耶稣里的真自由? What will you gain through freedom in Jesus Christ? What will change about your relationships? Your attitude? Your future? 你能够从耶稣基督里的真自由中得到什么?你的关系,态度,未来回来什么样的改变呢? In what ways do you rely on God’s ...
It was Ron Wyatts work that convinced me Jesus, the Christ, did live but my assessment is different than most regarding who Jesus was, who created him, and why. I learned about Wyatt thru ORMUS which Moses was given as well at time of ten commandments. ORMUS, manna.. I have some, se...
The Silver Lining contains: articles, blog posts, and butterfly blips. These vary in topic and length, by category, but all serve to bring the reader hope, healing, truth, and freedom in Jesus Christ! My hope is to write about my experiences and what God has taught me. Instead of ...
Freedom in Christ is letting everything else go, letting it die, so that we can live by the Spirit. And when our physical bodies finally wear out, we won’t be judged by God for how much we know or for how well we applied “godly principles” and rules to life. As Jesus Himself ...
the reason why we were able to provide for our siblings inside the prison bringing them the Good News of Jesus, and walking with them in their faith journeys for so many years. Thank you for being a part of our mission: to transform lives through the power and presence of Jesus Christ!
Ministry with Encouraging Research on Women in the Bible, the words of Jesus, the writings of Paul, and the way to Freedom in Jesus Christ for all people.
In Jesus Christ, God uses God's freedom to restrict Godself. God is free to be bound. Taking into account God's covenantal relationship with humanity and the act of creation, which can be interpreted as God's free decision in favor of an independent world, God's self‐restriction ...
Online ministry giving encouragement to men enslaved to lust, who struggle with pornography and those who suffer with other sexual problems. Freedom can only be found through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are disciples of Jesus Christ, believers dedicated to the worship of God and seeking to respond to Him through biblical teaching, communion, prayer, and fellowship. If you are visiting us for the first time, please let us know how we can minister to you and let us know if you have ...