(2012). "Testing for Political Bias in Freedom House Democracy Scores: Are U. S. Friendly States Judged to be More Democratic?" http://ssrn.com/abstract=1919870Steiner, N.D. Testing for a political bias in freedom house democracy scores: Are USA friendly states judged to be more ...
“Democracy is facing its most serious crisis in decades,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “Democracy’s basic tenets—including guarantees of free and fair elections, the rights of minorities, freedom of the press, and the rule of law—are under siege around the wor...
In fact, we find only one case—Suriname, which technically qualifies as a nondemocracy with a free press. Interestingly, we observe that some full democracies, such as Turkey and Pakistan, are ranked as not free in Freedom House’s categorization. In addition, a substantial number of ...
Yet sometime over the course of the past 240-plus years that constitutional republic has been transformed into a military dictatorship disguised as a democracy. Unfortunately, most Americans seem relatively untroubled by the fact that our constitutional republic is being transformed into a military dict...
Global freedoms declined for a 17th consecutive year in 2022 as the struggle for democracy approaches a turning point amid a curtailment of freedom of expression in countries such as Russia and Iran. Human rights watchdog Freedom House said in its annual report on freedoms around the world, ...
2019); ‘democracy’, Marshall et al. (2017); ‘civil liberties’, Freedom House (2019) and ‘private credit’, World Bank (2018a). Appendix 2: List of countries Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, ...
A similar conception of social justice was expressed by a long-time dean of admissions at Stanford University. She said that she never required applicants to submit achievement test scores because, “requiring such tests could unfairly penalize disadvantaged students in the college admissions process”...
Medina suggested shelf talkers that pair the classic with the new, like Little House on the Prairie with Linda Sue Park’s Prairie Lotus.“Give people a way to think about those books. Give them a way to preserve both, if they must.” Other questions and answers covered what it was ...
Democracy in Crisis Freedom in the World, a report published every year since 1973, attempts to measure civil liberties and political rights around the world. It’s put together by Freedom House, a non-governmental organization based in the United States. According to their index, here is the...
During the election cycle, Donald Trump’s attacks on democracy were being promoted by rich and powerful conservative groups determined to win at all cost. Partisan gerrymandering renders the House of Representatives so polarized that most lawmakers now fear a primary challenge from the right or ...