the Apartheid Museum is the best destination to visit on "Independence Day". In the museum, the history of South Africa under apartheid as well as Nelson's life stories are vividly shown through pictures, words
Breaking The Blank by Dwayne Lawson-Brown and Rebecca BishopHall (Day Eight, Dec 01, 2022) Blue in Green by Wesley Brown (Blank Forms Editions, Nov 15, 2022) Running to Fall: A Novel by Kalisha Buckhanon (AALBC Aspire, Nov 01, 2022) Love in the Age of Dragons by Fatima R. Henson ...
Especially alarming is the extent to which those on both sides are allowing themselves to be gaslighted by both Trump and Harris about critical issues of the day, selectively choosing to hear only what they want to hear when it casts the opposition in a negative light. This is true whether ...
Cry Freedom: Directed by Richard Attenborough. With Josette Simon, Wabei Siyolwe, John Matshikiza, Juanita Waterman. South African journalist Donald Woods is forced to flee the country after attempting to investigate the death in custody of his friend, t
All the beauty in nature has been reduced to representations of butchery and horror because we humans have become so upset that all we can cope with are pictures of animals ‘being’ as aggressive as we are—everything else in nature is far too confronting. I have been to natural Africa ...
These slogans in the novel "1984" underscore the destructiveness of believing in contradictions and encompass one of the book's overarching themes.
Some tried to win their free- dom by force of arms; others ran away to the towns and cities; and still others accepted their condition as part of the natural course of life, although perhaps cherishing a hope that their lord might one day free them. Everyone—whether a serf, a noble,...
pictures, movies, plays, and so forth. Indeed, the Supreme Court’s legal protection afforded freedom of speech in the United States extends to all these media of expression, as well as to abstract artistic and musical performances. Usually, then, freedom of speech actually refers to freedom ...
” Firearms-related companies moved out of state entirely or decided to open new plants in friendlier territory. Gun-banning legislators faced grassroots recalls. Even the wealth of America’s Hoplophobe-in-Chief, Michael Bloomberg, could not win the day for those who want to render us ...
arms aloft. At the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, a grand Columbia statue honors mothers of fallen veterans. Her most frequent appearance these days, though, is in movie theaters, where she lives on as the logo for Columbia Pictures—a role in which she has shone for...