luzpaz added Type: Bug Mod: TechDraw Status: Needs confirmation Status: Needs example file and removed Status: Needs triage labels Aug 31, 2024 luzpaz changed the title Vertical dimension text has wrong orientation or side TechDraw: Vertical dimension text has wrong orientation or side Aug 31,...
TechDraw: Wrong dimensions in axonometric view #17426 puma0812 0:13:57 9 days, 21:14:09 None BIM: IFC Export of custom IFCBoolean Property never True #17425 Grosskopf 1:00:01 4 days, 23:34:09 None CMake tries to install freecad/ outside of install prefix #17423 Beep6581 2:...
TechDraw: Snapping vertical dimensions - text is not centered #15103 maxwxyz None None None Reliable crash when changing chamfer size #15102 theosib 5:32:52 None None Assembly Gear linkage failure: 'PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget' object has no attribute 'limitCheckbox1' #15100 johnsonm 1 day,...
TechDraw: Vertical dimension text has wrong orientation or side #16172 pure-machinery 2:21:50 2 days, 5:55:23 None Windows: Double click .STEP file from File Explorer and it opens the Uninstall Dialog #16170 Forresto0 9:58:58 5 days, 7:29:42 None ...
LGPL-2.1 license FreeCAD SheetMetal Workbench A simple sheet metal tools workbench for FreeCAD Tutorial by Joko Engineering: Developers: Folding tools: @shaiseShai Seger @jaisekjames @ceremcemCerem Cem ASLAN (@JMG1) Based and inspired by Javier Martínez's code ...
Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member chennescommentedOct 20, 2022 I figured "Classic" would mean "go back to the old way," so the current "FreeCAD Classic" preference pack sets it to "No stylesheet" and all the original colors. What exactly that looks like will then depend on...