极红星创建的收藏夹模型内容:FreeCAD 0.19 三维建模基础课程,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
From Circle to Rectangle (fails): To reproduce, open the file: loft.zip(or create two sketches on the same plane, one rectangle and one circle, and add a sketch attachment offset to one of them) Steps Go to Part Design workbench Click anywhere to deselect anything that may be selected C...
Create a new sketch. Draw a slot manually selecting the origin as the first point and some location on the X axis as the second point (the third one doesn't matter). Sketch is underconstrained. Exit it. Now it's reported as overconstrained. ...
1. After selecting Part Design, you will see an option to create a body. Click on it. (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) 2. Click Create Sketch to create 2D sketches using lines, arcs, circles, and other sketching tools to serve as the building blocks for your 3D model. (Image credit:...
This hands-on FreeCAD tutorial will enable you to create your first 3D printing project with FreeCAD – all the way from your first sketch to the final product!
# create wire for face creation if "Circle" in relieftype: circle = Part.makeCircle(size, cent, normal) sketch = Part.Wire(circle) else: # diagonal_length = math.sqrt(size**2 + (ratio * size)**2) diagonal_length = size * 2 opposite_vector = normal.cross(addvector).nor...
Extruding a sketch Revolving a sketch Support for GDML Objects as subject of Arrays Mirrors Scaled Details of support for GDMLOptical properties FOLLOWING TO BE MOVED TO WIKI Create a new GDML design Start FreeCAD Select theGDML workbenchfrom the workbench dropdown menu. ...
This hands-on FreeCAD tutorial will enable you to create your first 3D printing project with FreeCAD – all the way from your first sketch to the final product!
fromfreecadimportappimportPartimportSketcher doc=app.newDocument()sketch=doc.addObject("Sketcher::SketchObject","Sketch")sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(app.Vector(1.2,1.8,0),app.Vector(5.2,5.3,0)),False)sketch.addGeometry(Part.LineSegment(app.Vector(6.5,1.5,0),app.Vector(10.2,5.0,0)),...
He starts with a sketch of a curve, constrained to be symmetrical. Then the draft workbench allowed a rotation to convert the curve into a nice skeleton of the curved roof. The curves workbench can create a Gordon surface over that skeleton. You can extrude that into a solid object. There...