FreeBSD支持以下文件系统类型: UFS (Unix File System): 默认文件系统类型,支持多种特性包括快照和软链接。 ZFS (Zettabyte File System): 强大的文件系统,支持数据校验、快照、数据压缩等功能。 FAT (File Allocation Table): 通用的文件系统类型,可与Windows系统兼容。 NTFS (New Technology File System): Windows...
u'size_available': 20638543872, u'fstype': u'ufs', u'device': u'/dev/vtbd0p3', u'options': u'rw'}) => {"failed": true, "item": {"device": "/dev/vtbd0p3", "fstype": "ufs", "mount": "/", "options": "rw", "size_available": 20638543872, "size_total": 40556158976},...
Performance Comparison of Hadoop running on FreeBSD on UFS versus Hadoop running on ZFSGonzalezRobledo, HugoFernández, Victor
ZFS的设计如此超前以至于 7、这个极限就当前现实实际可能永远无法遇到。工程领导Bonwick曾说:“要填满一个128位的文件系统,将耗尽地球上所有存储设备。除非你拥有煮沸整个海洋的能量,不然你不可能将其填满。Ufs:是UNI*系统下的一种文件类型,最大支持16T,单个文件为1T.CIFS:面向网络的共享协议,此协议不需要客户端,...
options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem;若完全使用 ZFS,此项可注释掉 options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support;若完全使用 ZFS,此项可注释掉 options UFS_ACL # Supportforaccess control lists;ZFS的 ACL 功能需要;OR your must complier the module:acl_posix1e ...
ZFS vs. EXT4, Btrfs Linux Benchmarks Starting with the Gzip compression test, both EXT4 and Btrfs were noticeably faster than UFS+J and UFS+S. The two tested UFS configurations both took 27 seconds to compress a 2GB file while EXT4 and Btrfs both took just 18 seconds atop the same hardw...
ZFS 准备工作 我们选择 FreeBSD 做备份的主要原因就是因为 ZFS,ZFS 操作起来太方便了。把30个硬盘连起来创建一个叫做 backup 的大存储池,采用 raidz2(相当于 RAID6): # zpool create backup raidz2 /dev/da0 /dev/da1 /dev/da2 /dev/da3 /dev/da4 /dev/da5 /dev/da6 ...
popular file systems that supported in freebsd are UFS, UFS2, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, SMBFS, NetWare (nwfs), NTFS (limited read-write), ReiserFS (read only), XFS (experimental), ZFS, FUSE, Coda (experimental), AFS and in openbsd they are UFS, UFS2, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660...
gpart create -s gpt ada1 gpart add -a 1m -s 128k -t freebsd-boot -l boot1 ada1 gpart add -s 8G -t freebsd-swap -l swap1 ada1 gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l root1 ada1 gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1 ...