tar Zcvf book.tar.Z /home/book/compress也可以和 tar工具一起使用,文件名以 .tar.Z结尾,但压缩参数要加上大写的 “Z” tar rvf book.tar /home/showfun/chp1加上参数 r表示将/home/showfun/chp1这个文件附加到 book.tar中 【解压语法】:tar xvfz [压缩文件(以.tar.gz或.tgz结尾)] 【说明】:一般...
04.tgz 35pkg_delete移除已安装的packagepkg_deletebash-2.04 36pkg_info查询安装纪录 37sync强迫系统将快取数据写回硬盘 38reboot重新启动系统 39halt关闭系统 40shutdown通知使用者系统将关闭 41init0直接关机 chownchown-R所有者.群组档案或目录 -R:表该目录下之所有档案之所有者与群组跟着便变更 chmod
12.利用pkg_info列出已安装的所有软件包列表和描述。 #pkg_info 13.利用pkg_version来统计所有的安装包 14.利用pkg_dalete删除先前安装反而软件,必须提供完整的包名。 #pkg_dalete XXX-1.11.1 15.利用pciconf工具来显示硬件的详细输出 #pciconf 16、查看CPU: sysctl hw.model hw.ncpu dmesg | grep “CPU:”...
gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 2G -i 8 ada1 #创建 swap 分区,以 4k 对齐,指定分区編号为 8 ,因此分区名称为 ada1p8 gpart show ada1 #显示磁盘信息 newfs -U ada1p1 #创建 UFS2 文件系统 gpart recover ada1 #If the disk was formatted with the GPT partitioning scheme, it may show...
I run it for awhile, I prefer it to Linux, and then I run into show-stopping bugs. It has happened every time I've tried to use the system over a very long period of time. I hope I'm wrong, but I fear that the project just does not have the critical mass to do something ...
__curthread () at /usr/src/sys/amd64/include/pcpu_aux.h:57 57 __asm("movq %%gs:%P1,%0" : "=r" (td) : "n" (offsetof(struct pcpu, Some additional info: - Disabled linux emulation Removed the proc entry in /etc/fstab As I saw Linux in the trace, but it didn't any ...
每颗物理CPU的核数总逻辑CPU数 = 物理CPU个数 x 每颗物理CPU的核数 x 超线程数 磁盘空间 # df -h 文件占用空间 # du --max-depth=1 -h # du -sh # du -sh /opt/oracle 字体在/usr/share/fonts/下面创建一个目录, # mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/winFonts 然后把字体复制到这个目录里, # cp...
http://www.zzlan.cn/blog/?action=show&id=7&page=1 Posted byesunon 2008年01月06日 8:53 AM. Filed inFreeBsd pkg_info:列出已安装的所有软件包列表和描述. pkg_version:统计所有安装的软件包版本,可以用来比较本地package的版本与ports目录中的当前版本是否一致. pkg_delete:删除已安装的软件包. 所有...
This article, “FreeBSD 10 introduces brand-new virtualization platform,” was originally published at InfoWorld.com. Follow the latest developments in virtualization and cloud computing at InfoWorld.com. Related content Analysis The cloud architecture renaissance of 2025 By David Linthicum Jan 03, ...
Create a debug version of the executable. This makes the compiler put information into the executable about which line of which source file corresponds to which function call. A debugger can use this information to show the source code as you step through the program, which isveryuseful; the ...