root@VM-0-8-freebsd:/usr/ports# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof/root@VM-0-8-freebsd:/usr/ports/sysutils/lsof# lsMakefiledistinfo files pkg-descr pkg-message pkg-plist root@VM-0-8-freebsd:/usr/ports/sysutils/lsof# make install clean 四、pkg安装软件 pkg类似于Redhat/CentOS的yum,配置文件/...
kg install pkg and let it bootstrap / upgrade itself. Then use pkg install foo, etc. pkg_add does not exist anymore, as you've found out. man pkg which Query the database for package(s) that installed a specific file. pkg which /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/libicu...
有个pkg-static命令可以使用,,然后/var/cache/pkg里边缓存的包。执行命令: # pkg-static install -f /var/cache/pkg/pkg-1.5.4.txz 1. 这个在我的环境下报错 root@mkiso:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg # pkg info sqlite3 pkg: warning: database version 34 is newer than libpkg(3) version 33, but ...
有个pkg-static命令可以使用,,然后/var/cache/pkg里边缓存的包。执行命令: # pkg-static install -f /var/cache/pkg/pkg-1.5.4.txz 这个在我的环境下报错 root@mkiso:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg # pkg info sqlite3 pkg: warning: database version 34 is newer than libpkg(3) version 33, but still...
比如pkg install,pkg delete,pkg version等等。在 FreeBSD 8.4 版本之前,可以通过命令 pkg2ng,将 ...
通过上面的pkg_add的设置,可以正常安装成功cvsup。安装完cvsup就可以使用它来更新ports和系统了。 另外还可以通过ports来安装cvsup。 cvsup-without-gui目录 执行 cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui make install clean 安装完CVSUP后 默认是装在了 /usr/local/bin 下的 cvsup 我们现在将它连接到 /usr/bin下 ...
pkg_delete joe-{version} cd /usr/ports/editors/joe/ make install 或是 代码: cd /usr/ports/editors/joe/ make clean make reinstall 16、如何查询目前系统安装了哪些套件? 查询目前系统已安装的全部套件: 代码: pkg_info 17、如何查询目前系统有没有安装这个关键字的套件?
# pkg install icewm After the installation of one or multiple window manager we need to configure which will be used. Edit the file .xinitrc in the user folder and add a line depending on which window manager you want to use: ? Gnome3-lite ...
对 package 开发者来说,没有 ports 那套 Makefile,他们就做不出二进制安装包 ports 和 pkg 各司...
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; includefastcgi_params; } } } 安装MySQL 使用下面命令来安装mysql: root@freebsd:~ # pkg install mysql80-server mysql80-client 要在系统启动时启用它,使用下面命令将mysql_enable=yes添加到rc.conf文件中: ...