"Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8) Perhaps you will find them suitable for sermon preparation, teaching Bible classes, or your own personal study of God's Word.Read This First!~ The Gospel Of The Grace Of God ~The Most Important News In The World!For the most ...
Packy’s keeper approached me, introduced himself, and confirmed that yes, Packy was in fact playing a game with me. The keeper shared this fun fact: Packy had a “fixation” on hats; specifically, on women wearing hats (I was wearing a red rain hat). As in, in that keeper’s inte...
Ars Digita University is now offered online to students for free. While a bit of a dated program it is still one of the most complete educational experiences offered online that is also offered by one of the country’s premier universities. Students have access ...
Lovelace is interactive and contains many short sections, most of which end with a question to help ensure the reader understands the material. Object-oriented facilities of Ada are covered in depth, and the essential features of Ada programming are given thorough treatment. Lessons cover: Brief I...
This view addresses each of Holden’s views of the evil of education: rather than an emphasis on the material value of an education, Mr. Antolini speaks of records left behind, records that could make Holden feel valuable for the first time in his life, and addresses both the...
s popular portrayal of Islaam would be contradictory with a first-hand experience with Muslims. Western society seemed to degrade women as exploitable objects while Islaam offered a woman security and respect. When juxtaposed to our Christian environment, adherents to Islaam exhibited uppermost ...