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Stock video sites are a great resource to get high-quality HD videos. These videos are an ideal source for marketing, advertising, and personal or commercial use. It is also used for creative projects, publishing, websites, blogs, and more. I researched over 50 free video sites and ...
Financial Data - Stock market and financial data API. Free plan allows 300 requests per day. FraudLabs Pro— Screen an order transaction for credit card payment fraud. This REST API will detect all possible fraud traits based on the input parameters of an order. The Free Micro plan has 500...
TheNounProjectsets out to be a one-stop shop for icons and stock images for design teams. We love that the platform offers free app icons that approach different themes and showcase different styles, making for a complete and eclectic collection of designs. ...
Royalty-free stock imagery. SCORM- and xAPI-compliant. A free version is available. Cons Limited branding and SCORM export features for free version users. Allows you to create only one free course. 200 MB of cloud storage. Best for: Those who only need to create one eLearning course. 4...
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Free stock market game with real-time trading. Create a custom stock game for your class, club, or friends and learn to invest.