Feel free to join my discord server for avatar updates i just started! https://discord.gg/QQzJ2uJebk This avatar's are pc ONLY RULES! please DO NOT share any of my avatar Unity packages! please DO NOT take any parts of my avatar! please buy them from the creators they come from!
user-generated content, andsome more compelling first-party gameswhich has rounded out things to make it more competitive withRec RoomandVRChat. You may want to check in just to see the state of Meta’s first-party VR social platform. Whatever the case, the price of ‘free’ is hard to ...
That said, VRChat focuses a lot more on the game’s social aspect. Through your avatar, you can express yourself almost as well as in the real world, thanks to eye tracking, lip-syncing, and a full range of emotes. Your avatar has a mouth and a face that will match your expressions,...
1:VRChat 这是一款社交 VR 游戏,玩家可以在其中互动、社交和探索用户生成的世界,创建头像并参与各种活动和游戏。 它在Steam和Meta上都是免费的(例如,如果您有 Quest 2 或 3)。 如果您使用Pimax Crystal, 您还可以使用VRChat 插件对您的头像进行眼球追踪。