5 (Xinhua) -- Over 72,000 people accessed the free wifi service at new pedestrian streets in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi over the past four days, leading to lagging or overloading. Free wifi service providers have been asked to make wireless internet connections faster and more stable ...
天融信近期针对其VPN解决方案,向社会全面推出客户端VPN免费下载活动(下载网址www .topsec.com .cn)。此次推出VRC免费试用,旨在扩大VPN应用,让更多用户体验天融信VPN产品的优良品质和联动魅力。 据了解,VRC即VPN客户端,它居于天融信网络卫士VPN产品系列中的客户端,是基于Windows平台的 产品。VRC应用于终端桌面平台,既可以...
Launching the free Wifi hot spot at the park in downtown Suva, Fiji's Acting Prime Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said that this is an effort made by the Fijian government to further empower ordinary Fijians. He said that young Fijians will now be able to chat with each other, download a...
工信部:清理VPN不影响跨国企业正常运营 中国工业和信息化部日前发布通知,明确清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场,其中不得自行建立和租用VPN尤其引发关注。工信部24日表示,这“不会影响外贸企业、跨国企业的正常运转”。 此次整治行动的目标在于,依法查处互联网数据中心(IDC)业务、互联网接入服务(ISP)业务和内容分发网络(CDN...