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10 Best Antivirus for Windows 11, 10, 8.1 & 7 [Free and Paid] Below is the list of the top 10 free antivirus software that offers protection from a wide range of online and offline PC threats; these antivirus utilities have all the abovementioned features. 1. Avast Free Antivirus The...
4.Microsoft defender antivirus 软件界面如图 这款软件想必大家都知道,就是Windows10、11自带的防毒软件。由于系统集成自带,因此与系统集成度整合度很高,资源占用也比第三方杀软低一点。在早先的windows vista windows 7中,defender防毒能力不是很高。从Windows8开始才慢慢提升了防毒能力。到现在为止,在avtest最近...