We’ve created a selection of virtual backgrounds for you to use in your calls. For the office, for meetings with clients or for fun. For every industry.
By now you’ve likely seen co-workers, friends, or family members testing out virtual backgrounds in Zoom meetings. Whether it’s your company’s office or the Oval Office that you’re putting in the picture, virtual backgrounds are a great way to lighten the mood. With the current co...
Here are the ones I keep loaded up in my Zoom app, plus instructions about how to set your own backgrounds and tips for making it all look as believable as possible. How to use Virtual Backgrounds There are a couple of ways to load up Virtual Backgrounds in Zoom. Before a meeting,...
Zoom Virtual Backgrounds Let us take a look at them. 1] Shutterstock Recommended videos Powered byAnyClip Shutterstock is one of the most popular names in the stock photo market. Ideally, most of their subscriptions are paid. However, you can download the background visual images for free from...
ZoomMeetingBackgrounds.com offers more than 30 free virtual backgrounds to use on Zoom. They are categorized into memes, funny, movie caps, landscapes and videos. The best Zoom background on the site has to be KC Green's "This is fine" dog meme. Seems about right for these times. F...
Amazing Background Images and Videos for Zoom Virtual Backgrounds and other Video Conferencing Applications.
We’ve split these 20 Zoom backgrounds into the following five categories: Nature & Landscape Zoom Background Images- for those days you just wish you could be sipping coconut juice on the beach, or hiking on a scenic trail. Urban Zoom Background Images- show your adventurous s...
Pexelscan be a great choice if you are looking for the best Zoom virtual backgrounds. Here, you can explore the collection of virtual Zoom background to use them as a video or image in your Zoom video calling. You can search for the Room, Office, Home, Beach, Skyline, Window, etc.,...
Free and fun! 100+ different ZOOM virtual background images. ALL Images have the proper aspect ratio of 16:9. Oval office, Wizard of Oz, Brady Bunch, & more!
174 Creative, Nerdy & Funny Zoom Backgrounds & Wallpapers If you’re looking for Zoom virtual backgrounds without a green screen that will put a smile on your face, here are our favourites for you to download and install. The Office Zoom Backgrounds (UK) If you and your workmates are big...