dictionary error Exception has occurred: NameError free variable referenced before assignment in enclosing scope Ask Question Asked4 years, 5 months ago Modified4 years, 5 months ago Viewed94 times 0 I am getting following error for assigning dictionaryData = {}was declared at the ...
yt =pytube.YouTube(url) File "C:\Users\Moondra\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\pytube\mixins.py", line 41, in <listcomp> if any([x in url for x in ['signature=', 'sig=']]): NameError: free variable 'url' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope...
And I get this error: it := re.sub(PATTERN, "", i).strip() for i in myvar if len(it) > 0 NameError: free variable 'it' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope it := re.sub(PATTERN, "", i).strip() for i in myvar if len(it) > 0 NameError: free variable 'it'...
every time i try to run this i get this error "free variable 'Keys' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope" Thanks in advance!1 answerssolution1 0 2021-07-01 15:53:30 You need to define global Keys for every function. A function thinks that Keys is a local variable. def mai...
When using ./letsencrypt-auto run on Ubuntu 14.04 I run into this error: An unexpected error occurred: NameError: free variable 'addrs' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope. From letsencrypt.log: 2016-02-13 10:13:29,799:DEBUG:...
执行ex1()函数失败,原因:UnboundLocalError: local variable 'global_var' referenced before assignment,意思是global_var这个本地变量还未赋值就被引用了。等等,global_var怎么是本地变量了?与ex2()函数做个对比,发现因为有这行代码global_var = 'foo2',解释器就认为global_var是一个本地变量,而不是全局变量。
To go to an address before performing the operation. For example, in C programming, a dereferenced variable is a pointer to the variable, not the variable itself. The expressionint Num;declares an integer variable named "Num." The expression*pNum = &Num;places the address of the variable Nu...
To go to an address before performing the operation. For example, in C programming, a dereferenced variable is a pointer to the variable, not the variable itself. The expressionint Num;declares an integer variable named "Num." The expression*pNum = &Num;places the address of the variable Nu...
( void ) xSize; /* Prevent unused variable warning when configASSERT() is not defined. */ } #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */ /* A pointer to a StaticTimer_t structure MUST be provided, use it. */ configASSERT( pxTimerBuffer ); /* MISRA Ref 11.3.1 [Misaligned access] */ ...
* variable of type StaticEventGroup_t equals the size of the real * event group structure. */ volatile size_t xSize = sizeof( StaticEventGroup_t ); configASSERT( xSize == sizeof( EventGroup_t ) ); } /*lint !e529 xSize is referenced if configASSERT() is defined. */ ...