20050927版本是针对Eclipse 3.1开发的,现在Eclipse已经出到M5版本,我在Eclipse 3.2M4里运行这个版本的EclipseUML基本没有出现问题,但到了M5就出现了不能创建Enumeration的问题,表现为无法添加Enum项,所报异常如下: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.dialogfields.ListDialogField.addElement...
UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It is a standard which is mainly used for creating object-oriented, meaningful documentation models for any software system present in the real world. It offe
UML eclipse3.3版 因为文件太大所以分 eUML2-Free-Edition- 和 eUML2-Free-Edition- 两个放到一起有plugins_1和plugins_2,合并为plugin一个文件夹即可.
Eclipse Plugin Info Custom Elements User Comments Bugs or requests: Create code ticket, or info@umlet.com Tutorial Quickstart Add elements to a UML diagram with a double click Edit elements using the lower-right text panel Use Ctrl+Space for context-sensitive help Select multiple elements...
UMLet is an open-source UML tool with a simple user interface: draw UML diagrams fast, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard, share diagrams using Eclipse, and create new, custom UML elements. Please check out the Wiki for frequently asked questions Go to http://www.um...
Eclipse Che - Web based and Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams with multi-language support. Open Source and community driven. An hosted version is available at che.openshift.io fakejson.com— FakeJSON helps you quickly generate fake data using its API. Make an API request describing wha...
The "Add Site" dialog will ask you for a name. Type in something useful, such as "Graphical Modeling Framework". Click "Ok". Select only the latest run-time that applies to your system. As of 10/2011, for Eclipse Indigo, this would be the 1.5.0 runtime: ...
StarUML, BOUML, EclipseUML, Dia, GenMyModel, UML Modeller, Papyrus, NClass, UMLet, NetBeans IDE, Plantuml, Open ModelSphere, gModeler, RISE, Violet, Oracle Jdeveloper, Oracle SQL Developer are some of the examples for the best Open Source and Free Unified Modeling Language (UML) Tools....
Papyrus UML. It’s the “de facto” UML modeling tool for the Eclipse environment. Free and open source, it’s your go-to tool if you are an Eclipse user or need to integrate your modeling tool with other Eclipse-based tools as part of full development pipeline. While Papyrus is for ...
Visual Paradigm Community Edition is a complex UML modeling software for Mac!Different projects might require specific combinations of agile tools, various situation or the nature of the problem. An agile development environment should also include a rich toolset for developers to flexibly adopt them ...