What is the WPM typing test? There are different types of tests for typing. This one is a typing test that expresses your typing skills in words per minute. The more you practice typing, and the more you test your typing speed, the higher your WPM score will be. Some online typing tes...
What is the WPM typing test? There are different types of tests for typing. This one is a typing test that expresses your typing skills in words per minute. The more you practice typing, and the more you test your typing speed, the higher your WPM score will be. Some online typing tes...
Free mobile typing speed test. How many words can you type per minute on your smartphone or tablet? Get your average typing speed in CPM and WPM.
Both entry modes combine the two into one, so you are always looking at exactly what you are typing on screen as you do normally, making it easy to refine your natural typing skill. Correct Words per minute (WPM) Calculation Typing speed is calculated according to the most widely accepted ...
The second test has also numbers and symbols (such as $ and &). The two other tests are composed of advanced technical text. The statistics given at the end are words per minute (WPM) and accuracy. You can also sign up to their site (its free) and get a typing test certificate. Ed...
Use this WPM typing test if you like minimalistic designs. There's something about it that just feels really smooth, plus there are zero stats while you're typing except for the timer, making it far easier to stay focused on the text. ...
This test uses the top 200 words and quizzes you for one minute. After you complete 10 of these tests, you can take an advanced 1,000-word typing test. At the end, you'll be able to see your WPM, the number of keystrokes you got right versus wrong, and the number of correct an...
Typing Speed Test 1 Minute3 Minutes5 Minutes Feedback Settings AccuracySpeedTimeErrors 100% 0WPM 0CPM 0s 0/0 `~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ backspace tab q w e r t y u i o p [{ ]} \| capslock a
Test Your Typing Skills 60 seconds 0 % accuaracy 0 words/min 0 chars/min Start typing here... ⭮ Restart The average person types between 38 and 40 words per minute (WPM), although some are capable of much higher speeds. Professional typists can sometimes reach speeds in excess of 100...
Download free typing tutor software with typing games. Learn how to touch type by following typing lessons, test your wpm typing speed and accuracy as you learn touch typing, or practice 10 key with fun typing games.