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The games intended for younger children (pre-school and 1st grade), such as Dog’s Letter Pit, may skip the typing entirely and have students drag the letters that they hear. These activities are fun and effective additions to any language arts curriculum. The wide variety of online spelling...
the words you hear, you can eliminate the sharks that are threatening the goldfish. The typing is under time pressure, yet you can press the "clue" button to have the word flashed on the screen. This activity can be challenging, and is more suitable for kids in 3rd grade and 4th grade...
Free interactive money games for 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders, for teaching children the concepts of identifying coins, counting money and making change.
Each level contains 20-40 spelling bee words for 2nd grade based on the difficulty. In the game screen, tap start button first to listen the word. You will be provided with 14 random letters and you need to spell the word by typing the letter in the correct order. You can pass to ...
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In conclusion, name tracing worksheets are a good way to help your child learn how to write their names. Our worksheets are perfect for busy teachers and parents. You might be thinking that it sounds too good to be true. But it’s not! It really is as simple as typing in 10 names ...