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(trænsˈleɪʃən; trænz-) n 1.something that is or has been translated, esp a written text 2.the act of translating or the state of being translated 3.(Mathematics)mathsa transformation in which the origin of a coordinate system is moved to another position so that each ...
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So you are a TV channel, you are a production company that you producing a lot of content. For you to produce a lot of content usually takes more than one person. Alexandra: What we did is, for example, we have one team member who does Mindset Monday’s. That’s her task, and ...
Bob Marley ‘Come A Long Way’— Free— Documentary made for NZ tv show ‘Good Day’ by Dylan Taite. (1979) Beat This!: A Hip-Hop History— Free— Originally part of the Arena television series, the TV doc was among the first cro...
Bob Marley ‘Come A Long Way’—Free— Documentary made for NZ tv show ‘Good Day’ by Dylan Taite. (1979) Beat This!: A Hip-Hop History—Free— Originally part of theArena television series, the TV doc was among the first crop of...
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