"When our son began Brain Balance it was our last resort to helping our son. For years he had tutoring we sent him to summer school every year since 2nd grade, he was on medication for his ADHD for a couple years and nothing seemed to help him. He was struggling in school, he was...
peer tutoring peer encouragement peer praise and rewards enhanced time on task more frequent correction opportunities more immediate feedback more practice more meaningful context to construct meaning greater individual accountability increased choice enhanced motivation greater engagement increas...
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free, but without tutoring, and are open to anyone, anywhere inthe world. The courses are flexible – normally three to five hours of study a week – done at any time, short (5 to 10 weeks) and video-rich. They are also heavily dependent on cr...
Discovery Education has partnered with numerous companies to create programs that promote social-emotional learning.The Discover Your Happyprogram equips communities with the skills necessary to reduce stress and create Sustainable Happiness.Ignite My Future in School programlets students explore computationa...
Other Programs You Might Like new reviews Wish List Wanderlust Exchange Wanderlust Cultural Homestay Tutoring (Au Pair in China) Program China 4.72 •115 reviews Wanderlust Au Pair China Program integrates educational travel... new reviews Wish List Go Abroad...
Traditional teaching methods can become boring or monotonous sometimes. As every aspect of our daily life is becoming more technology-based and advanced, studying different topics can become more interesting while opting for online courses. Vedantu has designed its tutoring techniques using AI, 2D and...
Chegg Internship, a tool for job postings and online tutoring, allows employers to share intern positions and entry-level job listings. Employers can use the website to accept aspirant requests across the US, enabling speedy onboarding.
Yup pays you for tutoring students in a variety of math subjects. You are paid monthly via direct deposit or PayPal. 76. Be a virtual assistant Virtual assistants get paid to help people with tasks like scheduling appointments, organizing meetings, and making phone call. This job can be done...
s more to the digital collections than books. If you’d like to spend some of your time at home learning something new, there are a number ofonline learning opportunities. You can pick up a new language withMango, expand your professional skills withLynda, and even getfree live tutoringfor...
Basic courses.The basic course also lasts 12 weeks, and you get access to all of the course features and auto-correction tools like in the self-learning option. However, you also get six 30-minute Skype tutoring sessions with a maximum of three students per class. ...