Several hours a week, seventh-grader Shamira Dickerson comes to 826 Valencia to receive one-on-one, free tutoring. Lezla Gooden reports. (5-25-23)May 26, 2023 embed code copied Live Now CBS News 24/7 CBS News Baltimore CBS News Bay Area CBS News Boston CBS News Chicago CBS News...
When COVID-19 hit, their team of high schoolers quickly transitioned to online tutoring and later banded together with two other student volunteer organizations — Girls Empowering Girls, founded by Annette Yuan, a junior at Irvine High School, which offers one-on-one English conversation practice...
Where to Find Free Online Tutoring More Getty Images Students have plenty of online options for receiving tutoring and homework assistance. As parents get settled into the routine of homeschooling in the wake of school closures due to the novel coronavirus, m...
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