At sunrise, noon, afternoon, just after sunset, and at dark, the muezzin calls the faithful to pray: Allah is great! Allah is great! There is no God but Allah, And Muhammad is his prophet! Come to prayer! Come to prayer! Come to Abundance! Come to Abundance! And to the dawn ...
conjugal pertaining to marriage conjure cause to appear by magic; summon (a devil or a spirit) by magical power; practice magic (esp. by very quick movement of the hands); evoke; conjure up: bring into the mind; Ex. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat. ...
In terms of staging, the theater remained essentially faithful to the simplicity and conventionality of the public-square presentations. However, under the influence of Renaissance realism, acting acquired an epic force, passion, and an inner energy. The revelation of the individual’s inner world ...
But the "people of the Book" (Christians and Jews) did not remain faithful. They didn't follow the directions. So Allah chose his last and greatest prophet, Muhammad, and dictated his final revelation, the Qur'an (see Qur'an), to give the world its final warning. People live only ...
(Jinns are divided into two groups, the “heathen” and the “faithful,” or Muslim.) based on the five “pillars of faith” (arkari): (1) the profession of faith, by pronouncing aloud and clearly the shahada, with a full understanding of its meaning and with sincere conviction...
How do the faithful walk the other path, the path of iman ("faith")? Faith is not a blind leap or a hoping against hope. Faith is based on rational intelligence, the highest form of knowledge. Humans are not "compelled" to believe the Qur'an. "No compulsion is there in religion" ...
The faithful are called to pray five times a day, though in America, at least, the two afternoon prayers can be combined. They ritually wash themselves (sand can be substituted for water in dry climates), face toward Mecca, and recite the Arabic prayers they learned in childhood. Hands wil...