简介Free Text to Speech 是一个在线文字转语音工具,帮助我们快速地将文字转换为语音,该工具通过微软人工智能语音库,合成真人声音。浏览器支持chrome: 支持所有功能。firefox: 支持所有功能。edge(新版本): 支持所有功能。微信:只支持播放,不能下载。移动端: 尝试使用 chrome、firefox (Firefox)、edge(新版本)。官网...
Runs on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 Download Free Text To Speech Tutorials What can you do with Free Text To Speech How to Convert Text to Speech and Spoken Audio? Whether you are looking for a way to learn a new language or to find your new voice, Free Text To Speech can be imp...
Now you're in the right place. Here we've tested and collected the 5 best Text to Speech software. All these text to speech software are completely free and can be downloaded to Windows PC. Let's go through this list and see which ones you like the most. 1. Natural Reader NaturalRead...
Free Text to Speech官方版是界面简洁而且专业性和实用性都比较高的文本转语音工具,Free Text to Speech最新版可以直接导入txt、rtf、wps、wri、wpd文件,在软件里进行编辑后,就可以进行朗读,支持调节音量和语速,确认好后,可以直接保存为wav文件。 Free Text to Speech软件特色 ...
我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
Free Text To Speech MP3是一个免费的文本转语音工具,这款工具拥有专业的文本转语音功能,用户可以添加TXT文本或自行编辑文本进行转换;它支持中文和英文两种语言,因此无论您添加的是英文内容还是中文都可以很轻松的将其转换成各种格式的音频文件;Free Text To Speech MP3允许用户自定义音频的输出质量,输出分辨率和输出格...
1、在文本框编辑文字或者点击【load】导入文本文档; 2、点击【speak】就可以朗读; 3、根据你的需要来调节音量和语速; 4、没问题后,就可以点击【save】保存为wav格式了。 查看更多 软件历史版本 Free Text to Speech正式版1.0 大小:1.27 MB|更新: 2019-12-27 TAG: 文本转语音工具 目前已有0...
Image shows the Text to Speech Software Download In a single package, you are set to get all that this new software has to offer for the user as well as the firms, with a view to transform lives and improve the quality of it essentially. ...
The best part of this text-to-speech converter is that you can save the text narration so that you can hear it again and again, any number of times you want. Text-to-speech converter for Windows PC The interface of this portable text-to-speech converter is simple and easy to use. On...
Picture of Text to Speech Windows In addition, it provides readers with natural sounding voices which enable the text to speech understanding gratifying. If you are a fan of multi-tasking, this software provides a great way for listening while you are doing other tasks like physical exercise and...