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Never mind. Plant-ology aside, middle school science was fun. Then I got to high school. That’s when it all changed. They decided to put math in science with all its numbers and…(frustrated) and letters- pretending-to-be-numbers. Of all the things that they could have chosen, math!
Texas Tech Medcast– Produced with a focus on preparing students for the American USMLE Step Examinations, these podcasts present information via a clinical case or example exam question. Their Geriatric series is especially useful, drawing questions from the Step 2CK Prep Series. ...
Learn more about using Khan Academy as a coach (teacher, parent, mentor) at http:/ Julianne Russell: Teacher Spotlight. Today we’re spotlighting Julianne Russell, a teacher at St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Boise, Idaho. Check out this video to learn how...
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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Tobe Hooper’s horror classic is a marvel of formal control, finding a new jarring sense of pace for each kill. The final third is front-to-back screaming and it never once falters in how terrifying it is. Available on Tubi. Dolemite An impulse to entertain...
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