(redirected fromFree Triiodothyronine) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Free Triiodothyronine:free thyroxine,FT3,Ft³,Free T4 tri·i·o·do·thy·ro·nine (trī′ī-ō′dō-thī′rə-nēn′, -ī-ŏd′ō-) n.Abbr.T3 ...
NTIS was identified when free triiodothyronine (fT3) levels were below the lower limit, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (fT4) levels were within the normal range or below the lower limits.#NTIS was detected in 63.7% of the patients. Decreased fT3 levels were found in...
The total as well as free T3 levels were consistently high (out of range) whereas the T4 (total and free) values were always within normal limits. The thyrotropin was found to be partially suppressed. Very low T3-Uptake indicated some kind of interference in the immunoassays. We incubated ...
Normal serum free thyroid hormone concentrations in patients treated with phenytoin or carbamazepine. A paradox resolved. To address the paradox that phenytoin- and carbamazepine-treated patients have decreased serum free thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations... M I,Surks,C R,......
T4 and T3 levels were high during pregnancy and remarkably elevated in mole. TBG levels were 49.0 +/- 5.1/micrograms/ml in 3rd. trimester, which were 2.6 times higher than non-pregnant women and 38.4 +/- 8.4 micrograms/ml in mole. Res-O-Mat T3 values distributed within normal levels in...
‡ Normal range of serum levels after birth. Normal range of 2–3 d: TSH (mU/L), 0.8 –12.9; Free T4, (ng/dL) 1.7– 4.6; Free T3 (pg/mL), 3.4 – 8.5. Normal range of 5 d: TSH (mU/L), 0.4 – 6.0; Free T4 (ng/dL), 1.6 –3.2; Free T3 (pg/mL), 2.2–5.0. ...
In individuals with normal thyroid function, as the concentrations of the carrier proteins change, the total T3 levels change in consert so that the free thriiodothyronine (fT3) concentration remains constant. Thus, measurements of fT3 concentrations correlate more reliably with clinical status than ...
However, the normal thyroid gland produces a small proportion of triiodothyronine (T3) directly into the circulation. Aim We aimed to study the free T3 to free T4 ratio in treated central hypothyroidism compared with euthyroidism and treated primary hypothyroidism. Methods Eighty-three subjects were ...
The goitrous patients had serum free T3 levels within the normal range, but their median serum T3 level was increased compared to that in the normal subjects [goitrous patients, 5.48 pmol/L (range, 4.41-9.03); normal subjects, 4.12 pmol/L (range, 2.58-5.78); P less than 0.01]. The T3...
Define goitrogen. goitrogen synonyms, goitrogen pronunciation, goitrogen translation, English dictionary definition of goitrogen. n pathol a substance that causes the formation of goitre Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition